Keep Up not Catch Up

Intervention Programme - Keep Up, Not Catch Up

Following assessment during Pupil Progress Meetings with Headteacher, SENDCO and Class Teachers we identify anything extra children may need to recover their learning or extend it to focus on during intervention time. These could be group or 1:1 sessions.

These session are planned and timetabled weekly and are taught within class.

Each class also has a ‘Keep Up not Catch Up’ clipboard,  where staff note down children, who may need support or further extension after that morning's Reading, Writing and Maths lessons. Work can be revisited and retaught or staff may have identified children who may require a pre-teach session to enable them to access learning for the following day. 

The pre-teach sessions are also used to give certain children a 'head’s up', to feel more confident with a new concept or to be a ‘mini-teacher’ in building confidence or extending learning. We want to keep them up, not catch them up.

All intervention work is completed in their usual class books so we can see the journey of learning. E.g. Joe understood the concept of the column method by the end of today's Maths lesson, but was a little wobbly (work in book shows this), tomorrow children are moving on to exchanging and Joe will find this tricky, Staff can go over today's learning and get that secure and introduce exchanging as a pre-teach so Joe is in better place ready for tomorrow's lesson.