Curriculum Updates

Our curriculum has recently been under review to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our children's learning

We know that remote learning is no substitute to children learning in the classroom alongside their peers, supported by teachers and learning professionals.

Following curriculum coverage checks of what had been taught in school and through remote learning,  we identified the need to undertake a full curriculum review. This was especially important with a rolling curriculum programme (Year A and Year B curriculum) and mixed age classes.

Staff worked together to:

  • ensure full curriculum coverage from the National curriculum/EYFS Framework and capture missed learning by developing Long Term Planning documents
  • develop, review and rework our ‘sticky knowledge’ (shared through ‘Sticky Knowledge Organisers') to enable subsequent learning to ensure the connection of old knowledge to new knowledge
  • develop, review and rework our Curriculum Drivers - documents to support teachers in planning from the long term curriculum map
  • develop Sequence of Learning documents - documents that detail each lesson, for each subject, showing clear progression and reason for the order of learning 
  • Map our MAT-wide skills progression to enable children to use their broad 'sticky' knowledge base to explore, practise and masters skills to allow them to apply this knowledge in a meaningful way
  • Plan experiences (including visitors into school, virtually and trips) to enrich and complement learning and to provide context to children’s learning. 
  • Adapt and review our specific subject documentation (including intent, implementation and impact) to ensure integrity of subjects taught through the thematic approach
  • Adapt our assessment and robust monitoring system for the wider curriculum subjects to match the new curriculum content, through the intent, implementation and intended impact.
Our revised curriculum is organised into separate documents - explained and detailed below:
- Long Term Planning documents to ensure full curriculum coverage and mapping of National curriculum/EYFS framework objectives, skills and knowledge progression points, highlight sticky knowledge, topic questions and launch ideas, linked texts and text types covered in English, linked people of study, trips/visits to support learning, topic finale and end composite goals, links to future aspirations and careers and note ideas for teaching activities. See examples here.

- Curriculum Drivers – Subject specific topic plans to ensure integrity of each subject taught, if taught through thematic approach, for teachers to plan from - including intent, hooks from old learning, skills and knowledge components, sticky knowledge, key vocabulary, subject end composite, impact and hooks for future learning within the school progressive curriculum.  See examples here

- Sticky Knowledge Organisers – identified key significant sticky knowledge for children to learn throughout the topic for children to use to support new knowledge and long-term memory. Details previous learning that will help for this topic too.  See examples here

-  Sequence of Learning documents – details intent, hooks from old learning, each individual lesson for each subject detailing quiz for assessment ('Cold' assessment at the start of the topic and 'Hot' assessment for end to assess progress) lesson question and objective, revisit learning lessons for long-term memory focus, reignite lessons to continue to spark curiosity, subject composite, hooks for new/future learning and intended impact.  See examples here

As part of our curriculum development we identify four additional areas of focus: What we do to enhance the learning experience, Why we do it now (this point in the curriculum and time of year), Any potential misconceptions to tackle and Personal Development (More than school). See our Curriculum Enhancement document below.