
We are a Rights Respecting School. Children's Rights are at the heart of everything we do. The Rights of the Child are embedded through our policy and practice.


Please find our policies and documents below. 

If you would like a paper copy of the information below free of charge, please contact Jo Wood in the school office on 01209 713929 and this can be arranged.

Anti-bullying policy
Accessibility Plan
Admissions Arrangements 2025-26
Admissions Arrangements 2023-24
Admissions Arrangements 2024-25
Assessment, Reporting and Recording policy
Asthma policy
Attendance policy
Behaviour Curriculum
Behaviour Management
Bereavement Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child on Child Abuse
Children with Medical Needs who cannot attend School March 2023
Children with Medical Needs who cannot attend School March 2023
Complaints Policy
COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan - adapted March 2022
Designated Teacher- LAC and PLAC- March 2023
Digital Safeguarding, Online Safety and Acceptable Use
Early Career Teacher
Educational Visits Policy
Equality and Diversity- Employees 2023
Equal opportunities policy
Exclusion Policy March 2023
Feedback from Parent Questionnaire on Remote Learning
Fire and Evacuation Policy September 2023-2024
Fire strategy plan 2023
First Aid
First Aid Policy - April 2024.pdf
Freedom of Information-Guide to Information
Freedom of information model publication scheme
GDPR - Data Privacy Notice for APPLICANTS v2.2.pdf
GDPR - Data Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers PARENTS v2.2.pdf
GDPR - Data Protection Policy v2.2.pdf
GDPR - Data Privacy Notice for STAFF v2.2.pdf
Gift Policy
Governor and Director expenses
Governor Code of Conduct
Health Safety and Welfare Policy April 2024
Health and Safety- School Responsibilities and Arrangements 2024
Home-School Agreement - Sep 2023
Intimate Care Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education September
Low Level Concerns Policy
Major Incident Plan
Mental Health and Wellbeing
PE Policy
Prevent and Radicalisation
Published Guide to Information
Relationships Policy
RSHE policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
SEND Policy - April 2024.pdf
Serial complaints policy
Suspension and Exclusions Policy - April 2024.pdf
Uniform policy
Use of Reasonable Force
Whistleblowing - Financial Malpractice
Whistleblowing - Safeguarding